Youth's Look For A Healthy Lifestyle

  • Manasova I.S Bukhara State medical institute
  • Mansurova M.X Bukhara State Medical Institute
Keywords: healthy lifestyle, principles of healthy lifestyle, students, survey, rational nutrition, physical activity


This article presents the results of the survey conducted among the first-year students and devoted to the analysis of their opinions about the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle. The data obtained during the survey shown that most of students have a fairly clear idea of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, although they differently assess the importance of the specific principles of health preservation, giving priority to rest, physical activity and rational nutrition. At the same time, almost half of asked students maintain that for various reasons they do not follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle in their daily activities, except for personal hygiene. The results of survey should be taken into account when developing programs for the disciplines that form general cultural competences aimed at preserving health


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How to Cite
Manasova I.S, & Mansurova M.X. (2021). Youth’s Look For A Healthy Lifestyle. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(2), 149-153.