Analysis of Indicators of Physical Development of Preschool Children

  • Manasova I.S Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Yadgarova Sh.S
Keywords: children, anthropometric indicators, physical development, harmony of development, preschool age


The article discusses the results of anthropometric studies of children attending preschool institutions. The assessment of the harmony of physical development of children is given. The physical development of children is a combination of morphological and functional properties of an organism that characterize the process of its growth and maturation. The study, carried out in dynamics, made it possible to more fully reveal the tendencies of the temporal variability of the characteristics of the physical development of children. Based on the results of the study, anthropometric standards for the physical development of children were developed


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How to Cite
Manasova I.S, & Yadgarova Sh.S. (2021). Analysis of Indicators of Physical Development of Preschool Children. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(2), 154-157.