Chronic Heart Failure Comorbid Changes in the Late Kidney and Influence of Complex Treatments on them

  • Nozima Orifovna Djuraeva Bukhara state medical institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Keywords: heart failure, anemia, chronic cardiorenal syndrome, chronic kidney disease, treatment


Experts of the World Health Organization describe the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases as a global epidemic of the 21st century. Currently, considerable attention is paid to the problem of mutual influence of the function of the heart and kidneys. The negative influence on each other of cardiac and renal dysfunction in an acute situation is usually defined as a cardiorenal syndrome. The aggravation or development of renal dysfunction in the presence of violations of the pumping function of the heart or the gradual development of chronic heart failure in patients with impaired renal filtration are considered within the framework of the chronic cardiorenal syndrome or the so-called cardiorenal continuum. In Uzbekistan, as in the rest of the world, cardiovascular diseases, in particular, SUE, occur in comorbid conditions in most cases. Among them, type 2 QD is common, and this condition leads to anemia and chronic kidney disease (CKD). A number of studies confirm that there is a correlation between (СHF) chronic heart failure and anemia. In this article, we decided to determine the effectiveness of the combined treatment to prevent changes in the kidneys in the case of СHF.


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How to Cite
Djuraeva, N. O. (2022). Chronic Heart Failure Comorbid Changes in the Late Kidney and Influence of Complex Treatments on them. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(4), 183-188.