Renal and Extra-Renal Diseases, Their Etiological and Epidemiological Manifestations

  • Mukhamedova N. Kh. Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
  • Shukurova U. P. Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Epidemiological, Diseases, kidney diseases


At present, there is a trend towards an increase in kidney diseases due to the influence of such environmental factors as the accumulation of lead in the body, an increase in alcohol consumption, which contribute to the spread of urate dysmetabolism, which has a population character. This determines the relevance of the problem of early diagnosis of metabolic disorders, manifested by kidney damage. Detection of urate nephropathy in the early stages can prevent the development of nephrosclerosis and end-stage renal failure [1].


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How to Cite
Kh. , M. N., & U. P. , S. (2022). Renal and Extra-Renal Diseases, Their Etiological and Epidemiological Manifestations. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(4), 1-5.