Bioecology of the development of cultural powdery mildews medicinal plants of the Ferghana Valley

  • G’.G’.Parpiev Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology
  • Kh.Kh. Nuraliev Doctor of Biological Sciences Tashkent State Agrarian University
Keywords: powdery mildew, pathogen, Erysiphe, Sphaerotheca, conidia, bioecology, moisture, cultivation, development


The article discusses the bioecological aspects of the development of mealy-mildew fungi of medicinal plants, i.e. the influence of temperature and humidity on the germination of powdery mildew conidia, as well as the specialization of some forms of the genera Erysiphe and Sphaerotheca affecting cultivated medicinal plants. In laboratory conditions, powdery mildew conidia were germinated on the surface of a water droplet. The results of our research (table 2.) show that freshly harvested conidia of the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. f. valerianae Jacz. actively germinate and the percentage of germinated conidia is 78.4%. After 8-10 hours the number of germinated conidia was 67.4%, after 16-24 hours - 54.7%, then it decreases markedly.


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How to Cite
G’.G’.Parpiev, & Kh.Kh. Nuraliev. (2021). Bioecology of the development of cultural powdery mildews medicinal plants of the Ferghana Valley. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(1), 123-131.