Effects of cellular cord blood on skin pathology in laboratory animals

  • Khusanov Erkin Uktamovich Associate Professor of the Department of Human Anatomy and OSTA
  • Korzhavov Sherali Oblakulovich assistants of the Department of Human Anatomy and OSTA
  • Kurbanova Latofat Murodullaevna assistants of the Department of Human Anatomy and OSTA
  • Lapasova Zebiniso Hidirovna assistants of the Department of Pathological Physiology Samarkand State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Kurbanova Gulbakhor Aslamovna assistants of the Department of Pathological Physiology Samarkand State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: cord blood, skin, rats, epidermis, morphology, hypothyroidism


In work studied character of the influence of the cryopreserved nucleated cells of cord blood on the skin morphology was investigated on the different stages of skin cultivation in vitro and character of the influence stem cells of cord blood on morphofunctinal condition of a derma in conditions of an experimental hypothyroidism in vivo. The application of cord blood stem cells is perspectives as therapeutic treatment of derma. The skin, as the largest organ in the human and animal body, is not only a "battle arena" against various microorganisms and harmful influences, but also a mirror reflecting the general health of the body. The endocrine system plays a leading role in regulating the functioning of the skin, ensuring the metabolism in this organ, its repair and restoration of lost elements, the functioning of the glands and hair growth


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How to Cite
Khusanov Erkin Uktamovich, Korzhavov Sherali Oblakulovich, Kurbanova Latofat Murodullaevna, Lapasova Zebiniso Hidirovna, & Kurbanova Gulbakhor Aslamovna. (2021). Effects of cellular cord blood on skin pathology in laboratory animals. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(1), 116-122. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v2i1.87