Indicators of Biochemical Contamination of Water Sources in Uzbekistan

  • Nazarov J. S. E. Bukhara state medical institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino
Keywords: biological contaminants of water, chemical parameters, periphyton, water quality indicators, standards for water use


As a result of the intensive development of irrigation, industry, the creation of new large agricultural complexes, along with the growth of urban settlements, the quality of water for drinking and recreational sources is increasingly deteriorating. Thus, there is an urgent need for a wider use of tools for assessing the various degrees of biological and chemical contamination. The article discusses the main sources of pollution of rivers, lakes, drainage channels and reservoirs used for drinking and domestic purposes, as well as a classification of water pollution and indices that can be used to assess pollution.


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How to Cite
E. , N. J. S. (2022). Indicators of Biochemical Contamination of Water Sources in Uzbekistan. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(3), 551-556.