The Clinic-Epidemiological Characteristic of the Sharp Average Otitis at a HIV-Infected of Children

  • Narzullayev N. U. Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Gaziev K. U Bukhara State Medical Institute
Keywords: HIV-infected, children, average otitis, opportunical to infections, immune system


Average otitis concern the most frequent bacterial infections at children with normal immune system, however features of a current of these diseases at immunodeficiencies are studied poorly. Meanwhile our private experience and that few data of clinical researches which are available for today, say that this of diseases, in sharp, chronic and relapse forms, often meets at a HIV-infected of children. Children were surveyed without dependence from presence of complaints. Except standard methods of research (the general analysis of blood, urine, bacteriological and biochemical researches) by us it has been spent to all children careful otolaryngologists (otoscopy, rhynoscopy and pharingoscopy) inspection, and at 28 (46.6 %)-radiological research.  At studying of results of research it is revealed that the catarrhal form of a sharp average otitis at children were observed at 22 (36.6 %), during too time the purulent form of a sharp average otitis aged observed at 38 (63.4 %) cases. Hence, frequency of a sharp average otitis accurately depended from clinical HIV-infection stages. At heavy severity level it is possible to explain the greatest quantity of a purulent average otitis with joining opportunical to infections


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How to Cite
N. U., N., & K. U, G. (2022). The Clinic-Epidemiological Characteristic of the Sharp Average Otitis at a HIV-Infected of Children. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(3), 239-242.