Amounts of Lead Salts Dispersion from Heavy Metal Salts

  • Mirzajonova Saboxon Abjalilovna Assistant, Fergana Public Health Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Fergana
Keywords: heavy metal, salt, lead, chemistry, food, environmental pollution, animal and human health


Heavy metals, due to their migratory ability, tendency to bioaccumulation, specific toxic effects, getting into feed and food, worsen their sanitary qualities, and when contained above permissible levels, they pose a danger to animal and human health.

In this articles highlights of amounts of lead salts dispersion from heavy metal salts.


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How to Cite
Abjalilovna , M. S. (2022). Amounts of Lead Salts Dispersion from Heavy Metal Salts. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(2), 120-124.