Justification of the Clinical use of Dentlight Glassyonenery Cement for the Treatment of Caries of Teeth in Children

  • Кохоров Мансуржон Кодирович Department of Hospital and Clinical Dentistry Andijan State Medical Institute
Keywords: caries, dent light treatment, children


The article describes the unusual use of glass ionomer cement "Dent light" for the treatment of dental caries in children. The difficulty of treating dental caries seems to be one of the most important in dentistry. At the same time, our researchers have found that the method of boundary fitting of seals made of glass ionomer cement "Dent light" modified with silver fluoride is considered more effective.


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How to Cite
Кодирович, К. М. (2022). Justification of the Clinical use of Dentlight Glassyonenery Cement for the Treatment of Caries of Teeth in Children. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(1), 65-69. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v3i1.553