Smart Saline Bottle for Remote Patient Monitoring using Iot

  • Dr.Karunakar Pothuganti Assistant Professor, Computer science Engineering. Mai Nefhi College of Engineering, Eritrea
Keywords: Arduino controller, LEDs, Blynk, IoT, Saline bottle


As the total populace is expanding, the need for well-being anticipation is likewise expanding step by step. Thus, everybody in this world must deal with their well-being appropriately. In these new years, there is a fast advancement in clinical consideration due to the innovative headways in the different fields of sensors, micro-controllers, and PCs for guaranteeing quick recuperation of patients in the medical clinics. The significant and principal prerequisite of the hospitalized patients is that each persistent ought to be given a superior treatment and perception and be provided the right measure of essential nutrition at the right time. The Healthcare area with imaginative strategies has gotten effortless everyday life. Computerization of the saline system is the need of emergency clinics. Saline is something fundamental utilized in each emergency clinic to convey drugs to the patient to fix them. At whatever point saline is taken care of to the patient, medical attendants and overseers have to screen it because of distractedness of attendants towards saline or absence of patient to nurture proportion in the medical clinic causing aeroembolism, which may lead to heart attack, respiratory failure.


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How to Cite
Pothuganti, D. (2021). Smart Saline Bottle for Remote Patient Monitoring using Iot. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(6), 98-103.