The Influence of an Electro Activated Aqueous Solution on the Dynamics of Biochemical Parameters and the Rate of Wound Healing in the Treatment of Purulent Diseases of Soft Tissues on an Outpatient Basis

  • Rakhmatov Shuhrat Sharofovich Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Safoev Baqodir Barnoyevich Bukhara State Medical Institute
Keywords: EAR anolyte, EAR catholyte, dimethyl sulfoxide, purulent wound


We studied the results of a study of 130 patients with purulent diseases of soft tissues on an outpatient basis. The results of the study showed the use of an electro activated aqueous solution has a positive effect on the dynamics of biochemical parameters and the rate of healing of the wound process for 2-3 days and is a more economical, simple and convenient method of treating purulent wounds on an outpatient basis.The study showed physicochemical methods of treatment of patients with the use of anolyte EAR and EAR catholyte is an effective way of treating purulent soft tissue diseases on an outpatient basis.


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How to Cite
Sharofovich, R. S., & Barnoyevich, S. B. (2021). The Influence of an Electro Activated Aqueous Solution on the Dynamics of Biochemical Parameters and the Rate of Wound Healing in the Treatment of Purulent Diseases of Soft Tissues on an Outpatient Basis. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(5), 361-367.