• Boboeva Rano Raximovna Bukhara State Medical Institute. Assistant of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology
Keywords: dry eye syndrome, keratitis, uveitis


Circulating immune complexes in chronic viral pathology of the liver can cause the appearance of extrahepatic lesions of organs and systems.The experience of dispensary ophthalmologic observation of patients with chronic hepatitis of various etiologies indicates possible different clinical manifestations on the part of the organ of vision, among which, first of all, dry eye syndrome, keratitis, uveitis, neuro- and retinopathy



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How to Cite
Rano Raximovna, B. (2021). EYE INJURY IN CHRONIC VIRAL HEPATITIS. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(5), 390-393. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v2i5.387