Evaluation of The Quality of Life of Iraqi Patients with Acne (A Cross-sectional Study of 109 Patients) and Identification of Risk Factors

  • Nabeel Omar Kadir Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kirkuk University \ College of Medicine, Kirkuk, Iraq
Keywords: Acne, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), Quality-life Evaluation, Males and Females


This study contributes to assessing general health and quality of life and determining adverse factors that impact in Iraqi patients with acne. Acne affects over 80% of teenagers and typically persists into adulthood. During June 2023 to November 2024, we performed a study on 109 consenting people with acne vulgaris that were older over 15 years. The Dermatology Quality of Life Score (DLQI) questionnaire was used to grade acne vulgaris along with its aftereffects and evaluate quality of life. Our study indicated that for girls with 56 and boys with 53, acne in the face site has 63.30%, oily skin with 70.64%, post-acne hyperpigmentation with 75.23%, II grade of acne had 70.64%, and severe acne scar had 50 cases, very large effect of acne on dermatology life quality with 21.10%. This study found that acne sufferers' quality of life was significantly impaired. Females were more impacted than males, the age group 21-25 more than the other categories, and the higher the grade "severity" for acne, the greater the amount of damage in quality of life.


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How to Cite
Kadir, N. O. (2025). Evaluation of The Quality of Life of Iraqi Patients with Acne (A Cross-sectional Study of 109 Patients) and Identification of Risk Factors. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 6(2), 434-440. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v6i2.2717