Design and Implementation a Hand Sanitizer Dispenser using Arduino

  • Mohammed Kamal Hadi Abu Halil Al-Hussein University College
  • Hussein Abdul Amir Abbas Hassan Bilad Alrafidain University, College of Engineering
  • Ali Ayad Saadi Hamid Al-Kitab University, College of Engineering Technology
  • Khaled Saad Khalaf Mahl Al-Kitab University, College of Engineering Technology
Keywords: Design.. Implementation ..Hand Sanitizer Dispenser ..Arduino


This project includes an introduction to sterilization in general and making a sterilization device using the Arduino program, and a statement of the method of work and the devices used in its work, with clarification of the programming code in a sequential manner. The work is illustrated through a closed loop in the program code and with certain conditions. Finally, future work is discussed. Because sterilization plays an important role in our daily lives and keeping away from germs, diseases and viruses such as the Corona virus, which transmits the infection through contact from a person infected with the virus to a healthy person, and to protect against the virus, it is through not contact and good sterilization.


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How to Cite
Hadi Abu Halil, M. K., Abbas Hassan, H. A. A., Saadi Hamid, A. A., & Khalaf Mahl, K. S. (2025). Design and Implementation a Hand Sanitizer Dispenser using Arduino. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 6(1), 278-284. Retrieved from