Research On Stability Of "Bronchotus Forte" Elixir
In this article, quality indicators were presented for determining the stability of an elixir type of drug that usually stimulates cough and has a secretomotor effect in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The recommended elixir drug was carried out in a natural way based on the temporary instruction I-42-2-82. In order to determine the stability and storage conditions of the elixir, it was studied in a natural way by keeping the finished drug in a dark place at room temperature under natural conditions (at a temperature not higher than 250 C). Analyzes were carried out every 6 months, and the following qualitative and quantitative indicators were studied during the analysis: appearance, pH environment, purity, amount of foreign substances, dry residue, alcohol strength, and the amount of bioactive substances in 1 ml of the drug were checked.
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