Study Of Quality Indicators Of Tablets "Enformin" and "Sitmet" With Antidiabetic Effect

  • Ilkhamova Nargiza Bakhtiyarovna Acting associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DSc)
  • Yunusova Khalida Mannanovna Professor of the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Tashmatova Madina Anvarovna Assistant of the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Keywords: Diabetes, Granule, Pressable Mass, Gravimetric Method, Tablet


This study evaluates the quality indicators of two antidiabetic tablet formulations, "Enformin" and "Sitmet," focusing on their technological properties and compliance with pharmacopoeial standards. The research aimed to identify compositions that optimize tablet quality through the addition of auxiliary substances. Five compositions for each tablet were analyzed for properties such as hardness, friability, dissolution rate, and moisture absorption. Rigidity and disintegration tests revealed that "Enformin" composition ET-3 and "Sitmet" composition ST-5 consistently met or exceeded quality standards. Moisture absorption studies confirmed low hygroscopicity for both formulations, while residual moisture and compression pressure studies established optimal manufacturing parameters for producing high-quality tablets. Results indicate that specific compositions and manufacturing conditions directly influence the physicochemical properties, ensuring tablet stability and efficacy. These findings provide a basis for scaling up production to meet growing local demands for antidiabetic drugs, in alignment with Uzbekistan's pharmaceutical development goals.


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How to Cite
Ilkhamova Nargiza Bakhtiyarovna, Yunusova Khalida Mannanovna, & Tashmatova Madina Anvarovna. (2024). Study Of Quality Indicators Of Tablets "Enformin" and "Sitmet" With Antidiabetic Effect. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 6(1), 142-152. Retrieved from