A Modern Approach to the Care of Victims with Combined Pelvic and Femoral Bone Injuries Based on the Severity of the Injury and the Severity of the Condition

  • Hasan Tilyakov Azizovich Assistant, Department of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Samarkand State Medical Institute Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Keywords: hip fracture, compound fracture, stabilisation, musculoskeletal system, pelvic injury, damage control tactics


Fractures of the femur with pelvic bone damage are one of the most severe combined injuries of the musculoskeletal system. this article presents the results of our studies, which demonstrated that the active tactics of minimally invasive treatment of femur fractures combined with pelvic bone fractures seem to be quite justified. The combination of consolidation and rehabilitation timing contributed to positive functional results, which significantly reduced the number of patients with severe consequences of musculoskeletal injuries.


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How to Cite
Azizovich, H. T. (2021). A Modern Approach to the Care of Victims with Combined Pelvic and Femoral Bone Injuries Based on the Severity of the Injury and the Severity of the Condition. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(4), 156-159. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v2i4.267