The Bioecology Of Some Beneficial Plants And The Influence Of Soil Moisture Factors (Case Study Of The Namangan Foothills)

  • Tashmirzaeva G. R Namangan State University, PhD student of the Geography and Environmental Protection department
  • Naralieva N.M Head of the Ecology and botany department, Andijan State Unversity, Andijan, 170100, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Steppe Areas, Vegetation, Bioecology, Phenospectrum, Biological Characteristics, Flowering, Bud Development, Dormancy Period


This article presents information on the bioecology of plant species such as Zygophyllum atriplicoides (Fisch. et C.A. Mey.) Boiss., Alcea nudiflora (Lindl.) Boiss., Acanthophyllum albidium Schischk., Onobrychis chorosanica Bunge ex Boiss., Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn., Hordeum bulbosum L., and Poa bulbosa L., which are distributed in the conditions of the Namangan steppe. The article also provides the phenospectrum of these species. In addition, based on measurements of soil moisture fluctuations in accordance with the climatic conditions of the steppes, the effects of soil moisture on the vegetation of these selected species are discussed.


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How to Cite
Tashmirzaeva G. R, & Naralieva N.M. (2024). The Bioecology Of Some Beneficial Plants And The Influence Of Soil Moisture Factors (Case Study Of The Namangan Foothills). Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 6(1), 15-22. Retrieved from