Etiology, Classification, Frequency of Bone Defects and Lower Jaw Deformation (Literature Review)

  • Feruz Ibodullaevich Tojiyev Department of Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Orthodontics and Dental Prosthetics
  • Aziz Mukhammadovich Azimov Department of Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Orthodontics and Dental Prosthetics
  • Mirzobek Bakhromovich Aralov Department of Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Orthodontics and Dental Prosthetics
Keywords: Etiology, Classification, Frequency, Deformation, Literature, sequestrectomy, oncological, pathology


In peacetime, non-firearms of the lower jaw are usually observed. They arise as a result of resection or disarticulation of the jaw (in connection with a benign or malignant tumor), its elongation in the elimination of underdevelopment, after suffering osteomyelitis or overly extensive and uneconomical sequestrectomy, after an accidental trauma, etc. [6,9]. Among the many reasons that lead to the occurrence of defects in this localization, oncological pathology takes the first place, with malignant tumors accounting for up to 16% of cases, benign ones - up to 42.9% [10, 11, 12]. Traumatic injuries, gunshot and non-gunshot wounds of the maxillofacial region, leading to defects of the lower jaw of various lengths, occur in 28.5% of cases [7].


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How to Cite
Tojiyev, F. I., Azimov, A. M., & Aralov, M. B. (2021). Etiology, Classification, Frequency of Bone Defects and Lower Jaw Deformation (Literature Review). Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(4), 31-35.