Diagnostics of Acute Rheumatic Liquorad (Literature Review)

  • S. A. Kityan Candidate of Medical Sciences Andijan State Medical Institute
Keywords: acute rheumatic fever, rheumatic polyarthritis, differential diagnostic criteria


The issues of accurate and timely diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever are still topical in modern rheumatology. Clinical polymorphism, frequent vagueness of clinical and laboratory symptoms, absence of tests specific for acute rheumatic fever serve as a source of hypo- and hyperdiagnostics both in paediatric and therapeutic practice. acute rheumatic fever, risk factors, stages of course, classification, diagnostic criteria of the disease. The differential diagnostic criteria of rheumatic carditis, rheumatic polyarthritis, rheumatic chorea with other nosologies are described in detail.


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How to Cite
S. A. Kityan. (2023). Diagnostics of Acute Rheumatic Liquorad (Literature Review). Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 4(6), 1112-1115. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v4i6.2197