Radiation Protection. Dosimetry

  • Mukhtaram Bobokulova Khamroyevna Asian International University Assistant of the "General Technical Sciences" department
Keywords: : Ionizing radiation, radiation effect, dosimetry, nuclide activity in a radioactive source, exposure dose rate.


In the article, dosimetry of ionizing radiation considers the properties of ionizing radiation, physical quantities describing the field of radiation or the interaction of radiation with substances, as well as the principles and methods of their determination.

              Dosimetry deals with the physical quantities associated with expected radiation exposure. These quantities are usually called dosimetric. The established relationship between the measured physical quantity and the expected radiation effect is the most important feature of dosimetric quantities. Without this connection, dosimetric measurements lose their meaning.


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How to Cite
Mukhtaram Bobokulova Khamroyevna. (2023). Radiation Protection. Dosimetry . Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 4(6), 134-139. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v4i6.1995