Breeding of Medium- Maturing Melon Varieties with High Quality Indicators and Resistant to Powdery Mildew

  • Khalimova Mastura Urunbaevna Сandidate of agricultural sciences, senior researcher, Research Institute of Vegetable, melon crops and potato, Tashkent region
Keywords: Melon, breeding, variety, hybrid, powdery mildew


Long-term breeding work on the creation of melon varieties resistant to flour mildew disease was carried out at the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon crops and Potato. As a result of the breeding work, the genes of resistance to powdery mildew disease were transferred to local varieties, and a melon variety was created, the fruits of which have high taste qualities. It was added to the state register in 2019.


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How to Cite
Khalimova Mastura Urunbaevna. (2023). Breeding of Medium- Maturing Melon Varieties with High Quality Indicators and Resistant to Powdery Mildew. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 4(5), 145-147.