Ultrasound Diagnostics and Diapeutics of Focal Liquid Lesions of the Liver
The development of modern medical technologies has significantly increased the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Early verification of pathological changes in organs and tissues became possible even before the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease or its complications. In this regard, the frequency of early detection of focal liquid lesions of the liver, such as cysts and abscesses, has increased, which has led to a relative increase in the number of patients with these diseases.
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34. Khamidov OA, Yakubov DZh, Ametova AS, Turdumatov ZhA, Mamatov RM Magnetic Resonance Tomography in Diagnostics and Differential Diagnostics of Focal Liver Lesions. Central Asian journal of medical end natural sciences. 2021;2(4):115-120
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