Liver Fibrosis - Modern Methods of Diagnostics and Drug Correction

  • Umarov Firuz Kholmurodovich Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Liver fibrosis, portal hypertension, liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma


Liver fibrosis is a local or diffuse increase in the amount of connective tissue, extracellular matrix (collagen fibrous tissue in the perisinusoidal space) and the main pathway for the progression of chronic diffuse liver diseases. In the early stages of fibrosis, clinical manifestations are absent, and only a histological examination of a biopsy specimen reveals an excessive accumulation of connective tissue. In the future, fibrosis leads to the formation of nodes of regenerates, vascular anastomoses - to the formation of cirrhosis of the liver


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How to Cite
Umarov Firuz Kholmurodovich. (2021). Liver Fibrosis - Modern Methods of Diagnostics and Drug Correction. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(2), 158-167.