Lymphotropic therapy for diseases of the Maxillofacial Region

  • Rizaev Zhasur Alimdzhanovich Rector of the Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • Narziev Bakhtiyor Dalievich Associate Professor of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
  • Narzieva Dilfuza Bakhtiyorovna Assistant at the Samarkand State Medical Institute
Keywords: lymph, lymphatic system, lymphotropic therapy, regional lymphotropic therapy


Lymphotropic therapy is an effective and simple method of saturating the lymphatic system with medications. This review of the literature examines the pathogenetic and practical justification for the use of lymphotropic therapy in maxillofacial surgery


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How to Cite
Rizaev Zhasur Alimdzhanovich, Narziev Bakhtiyor Dalievich, & Narzieva Dilfuza Bakhtiyorovna. (2021). Lymphotropic therapy for diseases of the Maxillofacial Region. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(2), 111-120.