A Multi-Dimensional Shodhana Approach in Sthoulya -A Case study

  • Dr Supriya Bhosale Assistant Professor – Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma
  • Dr Venkatesh V Goudar Assistant Professor –Department of PG Studies in Ayurveda Samhita Siddhanta,, Shri Vijay Mahantesh Ayurvedic Medical College and PG Research Centre, Ilkal, Karnataka, INDIA
Keywords: Sthoulya, Obesity, Udwartana, Virechana, Lekhaniya basti


The WHO identifies main global leading risks factors causing today’s disease, disability & deaths. Obesity is one amongst these. Recent studies reported that globally more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 650 million are obese1. Due to consumption of energy dense food(unhealthy food habits), sedentary lifestyle, misguidance for weight loss therapies1. In India, 40.3% of population is affected by obesity2. In ayurvedic system of medicine obesity is considered under the title of ‘Medorog’ which stands amongst ‘AshtaNinditapurusha’as‘SthoulyaRoga’ in charaksamhita. On other hand Sthoulya being the complex vyadhi with combination of Meda,Kapha&Vata, increasing Abhishyandatva in the strotas as margavarodh and thus the disturbance in Dhatuposhana with over nourishment of only medodhatu. A multi dimentional approach to do this sampraptivighatana and bring equilibrium in dhatu and dosha without aggravating each other. This can be achieved by alternate approach of ruksha and snigdha chikitsa upakramas. Acharya Sushruta mentions tikshna basti, lekhana Basti and Ruksha Udvartana in the treatment of sthoulya.

Udwartana is one amongst the rukhsa upakramas highly benefial in sthoulya as it does meda pravilayana and brings sthirikaranam anganam.Abhyanga and swedana helps to reduce kharatva of srotus thus getting doshas to koshta.Virechana not only helpful in avacuating the bowels but does the sroto shuddhi,Vatanulomana also. Basti therapy is considered as Ardha Chikitsa amongst all the therapeutic. Lekhaniya basti which is choosed here is anubhoota yoga,where Charakoktha lekhaniya Dashemani is used as Kalka and kwath dravya in basti form will be given. So the present study is designed to resolve stoulya with multi-dimensional shodhana approach.


1. World Health Organization. Global Burden of Disease Project, April25,2003.www3.who.int/whosis/menu.cfm?path=evidence,burden
2. World Health Organization, “Obesity and Overweight, FactSheet No. 311,” September 2006.
3. Third National Family Health Survey.International Institute for PopulationSciences, 2005–2006, Mumbai; http://nfhsindia.org/nfhs3_national_report.html.
4. SushrutSamhiaSutrasthan 15
5. AshtangaHridayaSutrasthan 13
6. Madhavnidan-Medorodadhukara
7. Bhavprakasha-MadhyamkhandaMedorogadhikara
8. Yogratanakara-Medorogodhikar
9. BhaishajyaRatnavali- Medorogachikitsa
10. Bhavaprakash
How to Cite
Bhosale, D. S., & Goudar, D. V. V. (2023). A Multi-Dimensional Shodhana Approach in Sthoulya -A Case study . Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 4(1), 283-289. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajmns.v4i1.1328