Clinical features of viral infection on the skin in children and pathogenetic treatment

  • Alimov Sherzod Ganijonovich Private clinic HAYAT MEDICAL CENTRE Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Skin and venereal, children skin and venereal diseases and AIDS department
  • Rikhsiev Ulugbek Shovkatovich Private clinic HAYAT MEDICAL CENTRE Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Skin and venereal, children skin and venereal diseases and AIDS department
  • Yuldashev Muzaffar Akramovich Private clinic HAYAT MEDICAL CENTRE Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Skin and venereal, children skin and venereal diseases and AIDS department
Keywords: viral dermatoses, children, CO2 laser, methods of treatment


The viral dermatoses are commonly spread among children. The article below describes a review and clinical observation of viral effects of the skin and contemporary treatment methods


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How to Cite
Alimov Sherzod Ganijonovich, Rikhsiev Ulugbek Shovkatovich, & Yuldashev Muzaffar Akramovich. (2021). Clinical features of viral infection on the skin in children and pathogenetic treatment. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(2), 91-96.