The Umbilic Cord Attachment Anomality and Discordant Growth of Fetus in Twin Pregnancy

  • Shodieva Kh. T. Candidate of medical sciences, senior teacher of Obstetrics and gynecology in family medicine department of Tashkent Medical Academy
Keywords: fetal growth discordance, pathology of umbilical cord attachment, sheath attachment of the umbilical cord, twins


In the modern world, the reduction of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality remain as the main problems. One of the causes of perinatal complications is the pathology of the umbilical cord. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between abnormal cord attachment and fetal discordant growth in twin pregnancies. In 73 (46.8%) cases were found marginal attachment of the umbilical cord, in 26 (14%) cases were sheathing attachment and normal attachment occurred in 87 (46.8%) cases. The relationship between abnormal attachment of the umbilical cord with the type of placentation was determined. In women with MCh and DCh type, marginal attachment was detected in 28 (41.2%) and 45 (38.1%), sheath attachment in 14 (20.6%) and 12 (10.2%) cases, respectively. The relationship between the discrepancy between body weight at birth and the type of umbilical cord attachment was determined. There was a high percentage of discordance by birth weight >25% in 23.6% in pregnancies with sheath attachment of the umbilical cord. Determination of chorionism, amniogenecity and detection of placental abnormalities are key issues for adequate management of multiple pregnancies.


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How to Cite
Kh. T., S. (2023). The Umbilic Cord Attachment Anomality and Discordant Growth of Fetus in Twin Pregnancy. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 4(1), 20-25.