Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Methods of Surgical Correction of Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Literature Review

  • Najmutdinova D. K. DSc in medical sciences, professor of department “Obstetrics and gynecology in family medicine” of Tashkent medical academy
  • Kamilova I. A. DSc in medical sciences, Assistant of department “Obstetrics and gynecology in family medicine” of Tashkent medical academy
  • Umarov A. R. Deputy Chief Physician for Obstetrics at the Multidisciplinary Clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Keywords: anatomical and functional failure, cystorectocele, genital organs, gynecology, pelvic floor prolapse


Pelvic organ prolapse is a widespread pathology that usually begins in the reproductive age and affecting negatively to the quality of life of women progressively, causing depression, social isolation, sexual dysfunction, and reduced ability to work. One of the most common types of pelvic prolapse is the prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall, which changes the physiological position of the anterior vaginal wall, cervix and bladder, which leads to such disorders as frequent urination, urinary incontinence, incomplete emptying of the bladder, feeling of a foreign body in the vagina [1,4]. In the structure of gynecological morbidity, prolapse and prolapse of the pelvic organs account for up to 28% of cases [1]. With an increase in life expectancy, the frequency of this pathology increases [3,4].


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How to Cite
D. K., N., I. A., K., & A. R., U. (2023). Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Methods of Surgical Correction of Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Literature Review. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 4(1), 16-19.