Hereditary Diseases of the Nervous System, Their Prevalence and Epidemiological Status

  • Abdukodirov Eldor Isroilovich Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • Khaydarov Nodir Kodirovich Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • Matmurodov Rustam Jumanazarovich Tashkent Medical Academy
Keywords: Hereditary diseases, clinical polymorphism, epidemiology, Human genome


Hereditary diseases of the nervous system have a high proportion in the overall structure of neurological pathology. The particular relevance of this problem is due to the lack of effective treatment methods and the existing possibility of repeated cases in subsequent generations. The study of neurohereditic diseases is a complex task not only of modern neurogenetics, but also of clinical neurology. This is due to the presence of characteristic features that distinguish neurohereditic diseases from other pathologies of the nervous system.


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How to Cite
Isroilovich, A. E., Kodirovich, K. N., & Jumanazarovich, M. R. (2022). Hereditary Diseases of the Nervous System, Their Prevalence and Epidemiological Status. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(6), 127-132.