Concomitant Conditions and Chronic Heart Failure

  • Adizova Dilnavoz Rizokulovna Department of retraining and advanced training of family doctors Bukhara State medical institute Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: chronic heart failure, middle age, elderly, old age, anemia, depression, diabetes mellitus, obesity


The prevalence of concomitant conditions such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, depression and anemia in patients with chronic heart failure in three female age groups was studied. According to the results of the study, the cause of the development of CHF was a combination of hypertension and coronary artery disease - 71.9% of cases. DM in the middle age group occurred in 18.7%, in the elderly group - in 26% (p<0.05) and in the senile group in 18.4% of patients. The prevalence of obesity was the highest in the middle age group - 59.3%, 55% and 36.8% (p<0.05) in other groups, respectively. In elderly women with CHF, anemia was detected in 18.8% of cases (n=13), in senile patients in 31.5% of cases, while in middle-aged patients the studied indicator was 15.6%. The highest proportion of depression among patients was observed in the elderly group - 60.8%, senile age was 55.2%, on average - 53.4%. The presence of comorbid conditions affects the quality of life(QL), the results of the assessment of the six-minute walk test(SMWT)and the scores on the scale of assessment of the clinical condition(SACC).


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How to Cite
Rizokulovna, A. D. (2022). Concomitant Conditions and Chronic Heart Failure. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 3(5), 87-96.