The Need for Integrative and Creative Opportunities for Students of Higher Medical Schools

  • Kurbanova Gulnaz Negmatovna Bukhara State Medical Institute Head of the Department Uzbek language and literature, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Yuldashоva Shakhlo Toyirovna Bukhara State Medical Institute Assistant of the Department Public Health, Health Management
Keywords: integration, training in a medical institution, integrative and creative opportunities, creative thinking, creative integration


The creative integration of special scientific disciplines during the educational process at the higher school of medical profile, as shown by experience, contributes to the activation of creative thinking of students, which ultimately will affect the motivation for creative activity of future specialists in a particular field of medicine. In this regard, it is legitimate to think that for creative and complex scientific research, it is necessary to develop such theoretical concepts that would be interdisciplinary in nature, would be fruitful not in one, but in several special branches of science that are part of the system of modern medicine.


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How to Cite
Negmatovna, K. G., & Toyirovna, Y. S. (2021). The Need for Integrative and Creative Opportunities for Students of Higher Medical Schools. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(5), 1-4.