The Effectiveness of Therapeutic and Prophylactic Measures in Patentswith Chronic Generalized Periodontitis in Women During Menopause

  • F. A. Turaeva Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Therapeutic, Measures, Chronic, Prophylactic, postmenopausal


A special place in the structure of dental morbidity is occupied by the pathology of the periodontal complex, in particular-chronic generalized periodontitis, which, according to WHO, is in second place in terms of frequency of spread, among all dental diseases, second only to caries. The first signs of periodontal inflammation begin to appear already in young years, and by the elderly period, the prevalence of periodontal diseases reaches values tending to 100% (Karlash A. E., 2017; Avetisyan A. A., 2018, Ibragimova L. K., 2019, Sokolova I. I., Savelyeva N. N., 2013; Locker D. et al., 2000).According to the literature data, in 78.7% of cases, women who applied for dental care for periodontal diseases are women (Gorbacheva and A, et al., 2017), and their highest prevalence is observed in estrogen-deficient conditions, in particular in the postmenopausal period (Redionova T L, Leontieva E Yu, 2014).


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How to Cite
Turaeva, F. A. (2021). The Effectiveness of Therapeutic and Prophylactic Measures in Patentswith Chronic Generalized Periodontitis in Women During Menopause. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(3), 335-339.