• Sharipov R. X. Doctor of medical sciences, docent Samarkand state medical institute head of the Department of Pediatrics
  • Rasulova N. A Candidate of medical sciences, assistant, Samarkand state medical institute, Department of Pediatrics
  • Axmedova M. M Candidate of medical sciences, docent, Samarkand state medical institute, Department of Pediatrics
  • Rasulov A. S Candidate of medical sciences, docent, Samarkand state medical institute, Department of Pediatrics
  • Irbutaeva L. T Assistant Samarkand state medical institute of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education
Keywords: consequences of perinatal damage to the nervous system, infants, lipid peroxidation, treatment


The results of researches have shown, that at children with prenatal damages CNS reveal significant infringements in processes a ПОЛ, which is possible were characterized as decreasing and in some cases their misbalance. The assignment of oxibral to children with prenatal damages of CNS alongside with normalization of parameters a ПОЛ to faster improvement of neurological symptoms: children become quiet, active, the dream normalizing. Intra skull pressure on a background of prescription Oxibral was reduced much faster. The opportunity of correction neurological infringements with oxibral opens prospect of rehabilitation and promotes significant to reduction of percent of children with the residual phenomena of prenatal damages CNS.


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How to Cite
Sharipov R. X., Rasulova N. A, Axmedova M. M, Rasulov A. S, & Irbutaeva L. T. (2021). CORRELATION BETWEEN CORRECTION OF CEREBRAL DISORDERS AND SOMATIC CONDITION IN CHILDREN. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(3), 162-165.