Study of the effect of memory disease on immunoprophylaxis on disease epidemiological characteristics

  • Tirkashev Otabek Saidovich Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • Matnazarova Gulbaxor Sultanovna Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Juraev Shavkat Abdulvaxidovich Samarkand State Medical Institute
Keywords: measles, immunity, periodic epidemic process


Prior to the introduction of measles vaccination programs, measles was almost common among children. With the introduction of measles vaccination and the increase in vaccine coverage, the incidence of the disease decreased during the peak years of the disease epidemic, and the re-registration period of the epidemic increased. Achieving very high levels of immunity against measles in the population has led to the loss of measles in many countries, but if this level of immunity is not maintained, a recurrent epidemic of measles may re-emerge.


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How to Cite
Saidovich, T. O., Sultanovna, M. G., & Abdulvaxidovich, J. S. (2021). Study of the effect of memory disease on immunoprophylaxis on disease epidemiological characteristics. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Science, 2(3), 1-4.

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